Orders over $800 USD - Tax ID
In order to comply with US UPS customs requirements for orders $800 USD and over, we will require a Tax ID or SSN number of the receiver to proceed with your shipment. We are unable to split or delay shipments in order to remain customs-compliant.
Please note that the Tax ID/SSN, and the phone number must match that of the contact entered for the shipping address.
If we do not receive a Tax ID/SSN for your shipment, you will be contacted by UPS to obtain this information to proceed with the shipment. Once your order has shipped, it is the receiver's responsibility to provide UPS with this information.
If the receiver is unable to provide this information and your shipment is returned back to us, ARTISAIRE is not responsible for any fees associated with the return.
Please note for non-physical addresses (i.e. freight forwarding addresses):
We do not recommend shipping to a Freight Forwarding address over $800 USD as UPS will require the Tax ID of the receiver (i.e. The Freight Forwarding Company). ARTISAIRE will not be held liable for any additional fees associated with these shipments, such as (but not limited to) warehouse fees, transit fees, and return shipping costs if the package is refused/returned to our studio.
Upon shipping to these addresses, you are confirming that ARTISAIRE is released from any liabilities, such as additional fees, damages, and lost or returned packages. If the package is returned to our studio for reasons outside of ARTISAIRE's responsibility, ARTISAIRE is not responsible for additional fees, replacements, damages, etc. and will be passed over to the customer.